[Postponed] #Workshop 1: From Non-Roboticists to Soft Robotics: Interdisciplinary collaborations to improve Soft Robotics
Soft robotics is a thriving new field in robotics, which proposes to use soft materials to build intelligent systems. This includes the use of silicone, polymers, hydrogels, and numerous smart materials, which can translate a wide range of stimuli into morphological changes. As a results soft robotics is able to offer solutions to challenges that are not solvable with conventional rigid robots. Furthermore, the inherent compliance of soft structures has the potential to increase safety in human-robot interaction, improve the handling of delicate produce, facilitate non-invasive surgery, boost energy efficiency in locomotion, enrich haptic interfaces, and improve many other applications.
However, in order to fully exploit this potential, the field, which is inherently highly interdisciplinary, needs input from a wide range of research fields outside of robotics. The goal of this workshop is to introduce non-roboticists to the field of soft robotics, help them to understand the potential and, most importantly, identify possible interdisciplinary collaborations.
Therefore, we are looking for experts from research fields that have the potential to improve and accelerate soft robotics. This includes, among others:
- Mathematics
- Control theory
- Material Science
- Biology
- Physics
- (Bio)-Chemistry
- and others
You can sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/workshop-1-from-non-roboticists-to-soft-robotics-tickets-215826802777
We are looking very much forward to seeing you:
Date: Dec 2, 2:00-4:00 PM
2:00 - 2:10 Welcome
2:10 - 2:30 Short introduction to Soft Robotics
2:30 - 3:15 Discussion between Soft Robotics and Non-roboticist in sub-groups
3:15 - 3:45 General discussion of results from the groups
3:45 - 4:00 Final conclusion